On August 30, 2019, the third Performance-Dinner "Stripservies. Book on porcelain." took place in the" Beautiful Distress House "in Amsterdam. Architects, designers, filmmakers and artists were invited to come to eat and read stories from the plates that were made as pages of a book. Again I received many new interesting comments, professional criticism, advice, sincere approval and admiration. The food was tasty, the stories were spicy-sweet! Thanks to Amsterdam Fund for the Arts and The Beautiful Distress House in Amsterdam. Photo: Andrei Chernikov


Marion van Wijk, multi-disciplinary artist

Linda van Boven, artist

Jurjen Zeinstra, architect

Michiel van der Haagen, programmer

Frederick Cuipers, architect

Marta van Der Haagen, graphic designer

Uliana Kasheeva, tolk/gids Russian/Dutch

Liza May Post, artist

Christoph Seyferth, designer

Sabine Snijders, costume designer, stylist

Friso Witteveen, artist

Barbara Westra, production designer

Kees Lau, architect

Gerrit Oorthuys, architect, architecture historian

Marit Geluk, filmmaker

Vasili Popov, architect, designer

Vika Mitrichenko, artist

Gijs Stollman, composer, sound designer

Eymert van Oudsten, computer specialist

Introduction by artist Oxana Malevanik

Salad. Page 1 of the book.

Main dish. Page 2 of the book.

Cheese board. Page 3 of the book.

Tea. Page 4 and 5 of the book.

Dessert. Service "Society of clean plates".